Musings and comments...

Allow us to click anywhere on the map with the teleport spell, but the actual placement should 'snap' to the closest structure. Perhaps highlight the structure in green as we move the cursor across the map to indicate where we'll actually teleport to.

It should avoid the current pixel hunts for possible teleport destinations.

on Apr 16, 2009

100% agree

on Apr 16, 2009

Anything to cut down on so much Pixel Hunting.  I cant even find Lord Erebus alot of the time in a pitched battle since hes small and gets burried.  God forbid if anyone was looking to target heal or shield me.  I guess I should check for a Hotkey to target nearest Ally.  But somehow i dont expect there to be one.  Also when your wanting to drop a spell in a target area. While your waiting to drop it.. you need to be able to see the damage on an enemy to know when to drop it.  When your selecting a AOE target, it makes you unable to read damage on enemies. 

on Apr 16, 2009

if you press tilde a few times itll toggle several health bar options, including one that just shows DG healthbars making tagetting heals etc much easier


on Apr 16, 2009

I agree too.  This has been suggested since B1 and would be very useful.

on Apr 16, 2009

Good idea.