Musings and comments...
Assign kill to most dmg, not last damage inflicted
Published on April 22, 2009 By moondrgn In Demigod Ideas

Currently, the source inflicting the killing blow gets credit for the kill. I'd like to see a change where the source inflicting most damage gets credited for the kill.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 23, 2009

If you do 95% of the damage on a DG and he runs away faster than you can follow and just before he makes it to his Crystal he gets sniped for the kill do you really think you deserve the gold?  You couldn't complete - Regulus could - you are assisting him.  

Actually yes, I really think I deserve the gold. Regulus didn't do 95% of the damage. He can snipe all day long and not get the kill. All he did is ensure that our team gets the kill and the benefit of an enemy DG sitting in the death limbo for a few seconds. In other words, it was Regulus that was assisting me and the team, not the other way around.

I was also specifically not talking about Regulus in my original post, as annoying as kill farmers/stealers in this game are. I simply don't PUG any more with Regulus playing people. But that's not my gripe. My gripe is the environment. Towers, creeps, AoE that was not even meant to kill my target. The target whom I had no trouble killing otherwise.

on Apr 23, 2009

Yeah, I like that it's a teameffort every time. The guy who gets the most kills, is just the guy who upgrades the units. Sucks to be him

on Apr 23, 2009

Actually yes, I really think I deserve the gold. Regulus didn't do 95% of the damage.


Okay, if in stubborn stupidity you tell regulus not to take the kill, then guess what happens: He gets away.


See, the game isn't about blowing every cool down you have right away like an ADD crack addict. All this does is drop your best cards and give them every reason to kill you, or run. It's a game of mathematics and mind-play. You lull your opponent into thinking he has an advantage, and you only chip away at his life enough where your cooldowns complete the kill.


Honestly, if one of your teammates is wasting mana and blowing cooldowns just trying to get last hits, then thats their fault, and they aren't contributing anything to the team. My recommendation would be to find better teammates, not change the mechanics of the game. You also however forget to neglect that sometimes, it's GOOD to allow a teammate to get all of the last hits. All of the gold funnels to him, and he can for example buy upgrades, while you use the assist gold to buy items. Theres a-lot of room for teamwork in the current system, and I can sympathize with having to deal with shitty pugs.


Towers, creeps, AoE that was not even meant to kill my target. The target whom I had no trouble killing otherwise.



on Apr 24, 2009


Okay, if in stubborn stupidity you tell regulus not to take the kill, then guess what happens: He gets away.

If in stubborn stupidity Regulus were not to take the shot, then neither I get kill credit + kill money for it nor Regulus gets assist credit + gold as he should get were he to take the shot and be credited with an assist.

on Apr 24, 2009

This is bad because it doesn't encourage people to chase.
Getting more for the last hit encourages people to chase someone down.


I have noticed though, sniping off 1/3rd of someones hp 5-10 seconds before they die, and yet not getting an assist. :[

on Apr 24, 2009

If in stubborn stupidity Regulus were not to take the shot, then neither I get kill credit + kill money for it nor Regulus gets assist credit + gold as he should get were he to take the shot and be credited with an assist.


You assisted him in making the kill. It was out of your ability to actually make a kill. If not for regulus, you have no kill. You assisted in his kill.


The only benefit this gives is to satisfy someone like you to get your gold. The benefits of the other system is it allows a team to funnel last hits to a single person as a strategy to purchase upgrades, or to allow them to farm and thus let them carry a team.

on Apr 24, 2009

The only benefit this gives is to satisfy someone like you to get your gold. The benefits of the other system is it allows a team to funnel last hits to a single person as a strategy to purchase upgrades, or to allow them to farm and thus let them carry a team.

This is the attitude because of which I refuse to play with Regulus on my team in PUGs.

And for the record, the reason why I started this post had nothing to do with Regulus.

on Apr 25, 2009

The only thing that bothers me is when your creep wave or towers mop up for you, you just get an assist and no one on your team gets the proper amount of gold.  It would be nice if at the very least, they evenly distributed the reward gold to all players when your ai controlled forces deal the killing blow.

on Apr 25, 2009

ill address 2 things.

1. most damage equals primary kill credit: I like this ingeneral, but we dont know how doable this is.

2. if AI killed it, ought to funnel the gold in equal split to the Demigods of that team.

on Apr 25, 2009

The only thing that bothers me is when your creep wave or towers mop up for you, you just get an assist and no one on your team gets the proper amount of gold.  It would be nice if at the very least, they evenly distributed the reward gold to all players when your ai controlled forces deal the killing blow.

Thank you. Nice to see there are some rational people out there, after all. This is my primary concern and the primary reason why I'd like to see this mechanic modified.

on Apr 26, 2009

I agree with the OP..

It makes no sense to give double gold to a player that only waits to make the final blow! 

on Apr 26, 2009


[double post]


on Apr 26, 2009

I agree too with the OP, and see absolutely no sense in those trying to reason the current system.

To those arguing that it 'encourages' chasing down the player:
1. In the system presented by the OP, those who get ANY damage onto the target will receive an "assist" gold bonus.
2. So it stands, that if the target is NOT chased, then no-one gets any bonus'. It can HARDLY be reasoned with any credibility at all that bringing in a new system will all of a sudden stop people chasing down a DG in-game. Practically, that is just silly.

To those arguing that it improves strategy and gold allocation opportunities:
1. It is MORE strategic to pick and plan your fights and your time investment and hence, your gold rewards. If you know that you need a gold boost, you will be prepared and take on that DG, because you KNOW that you will get the rewards, even if someone helps mop them up.
2. If by rote, you are picking the occassions when you decide to face a DG, but someone else comes along and gets the majority of the credit for it, then isn't that a counter-intuitive misallocation of resources? They certainly didn't plan to take on the DG, they just came along for the ride- your whole team is affected by this misallocation, as having 4 equally powerful DG is more effective than 1 extra powerful burst-dps killing blower.
3. So if I'm in need of a bigger gold injection, and I pick out 5 fights, and 4 of them are wasted time allocations as my damage is consisten rather than burst and it's been taken each time, that gold won't ever come back to me- my character is effectively gimped by others' item bonus'.

4. My only concern is how such a system effects the more passive classes like Sedna. I haven't had much experience with her, so I'm reluctant to comment on her, but I'm sure there must be some effective way to take into account healing and non-damage boosting skills. Perhaps she isn't as item and gold dependant as the other classes to begin with, not needing the expensive life steal and +weapon items?


And for those arguing it's a team game, the 'team game' argument works JUST as easily for the proposed system. What the proposed system DOES improve is the allocation of gold to the DG who invested the most time into it, and that's as it should be, as DG games are short and quick and time is our most important commodity to player and item levelling.


on Apr 26, 2009

You see no reason?..

What about how it encourages someone to chase someone down to get the last hit? Instead of goign "oh well i did like 90% dmg to him, i'll let someone else finish him off"

Then there's al sort of logistics for how long it tracks the damage, heals, so on.

on Apr 27, 2009

You see no reason?..

What about how it encourages someone to chase someone down to get the last hit? Instead of goign "oh well i did like 90% dmg to him, i'll let someone else finish him off"

Then there's al sort of logistics for how long it tracks the damage, heals, so on.

You're joking right?
Did you just reply to my post only having read the first line? Because the very next line makes your response look stupid.

As far as taking into account damage, etc- that all has to be tracked by the client ANYWAY, since it doles out assists to each contributing team mate, there's no additional overhead required.

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