Musings and comments...

If I buy the item that allows me to decloak Regulus' mines, it should have some effect other than to know when I'm gonna step on the mine. Personally, I think I should be able to destroy the mines without them blowing up. In addition creeps should possibly attempt to avoid the mines if they are visible.

Otherwise, what's the point of decloaking them?

on Apr 22, 2009

r u talking about defusing the mine? or just blowing it up without stepping on it?

on Apr 22, 2009

It it stupid that we can't do that already.

on Apr 22, 2009

What is the point of decloaking Erubus if you can't hit him while decloaked?

on Apr 22, 2009

What is the point of decloaking Erubus if you can't hit him while decloaked?

He's not cloaked.  You can see where he is perfectly (big swirling mist cloud).  The ability makes him invulnerable.

on Apr 22, 2009

r u talking about defusing the mine? or just blowing it up without stepping on it?

What difference does it make? I just want them gone from the chokepoint so I can walk without taking damage.

on Apr 22, 2009

Detected mines should be able to be attacked and destroyed.  Ranged attackers with with no damange (if outside of AoE) and Melee with only a fraction when hitting them and accidentally stepping on them.

on Apr 23, 2009

Decloaking the mines let's the other player know they are there, and thus prepare for the damage, avoid them, or wait for the next wave of creeps to mow them down. Invisible mines are usefull for damaging unsuspecting opponents, while visible mines are good for creating a tactical environment. Allowing them to be summarily destroyed takes away from that tactical advantage. Mines are already being used like hand grenades.. let's not encourage this further by making any other use of them counterable by a 50g item.

on Apr 23, 2009

let's not encourage this further by making any other use of them counterable by a 50g item.

Why not? For one, the item costs money. Money I could otherwise use on better things. So, Regulus is making me waste money on something he can create an infinite supply of by using his mana. If the gold drain is not enough, they why not increase the cost of that item? As is, Regulus can completely block off a path in the map (assuming it's not in the lane).

on Apr 23, 2009

Decloaking the mines let's the other player know they are there, and thus prepare for the damage, avoid them, or wait for the next wave of creeps to mow them down. Invisible mines are usefull for damaging unsuspecting opponents, while visible mines are good for creating a tactical environment. Allowing them to be summarily destroyed takes away from that tactical advantage. Mines are already being used like hand grenades.. let's not encourage this further by making any other use of them counterable by a 50g item.
