Currently, the source inflicting the killing blow gets credit for the kill. I'd like to see a change where the source inflicting most damage gets credited for the kill.
Yes I wholeheartedly agree.. its such a pain when here you are locked in an epic battle with another demigod and winning slightly and just as you are about to deliver the killing blow Ninja gets 1600 gold and you get 500 for your efforts. FIX IT STARDOCK!
That makes it impossible for nuke classes to take kills when their damage comes in bursts, usually the finishing blows. Just buff assist points. Play a different demigod if you want to see godlikes, otherwise be content you won.
I'd like to see Rook and Sedna not underleveled/undercashed compared to other demigods because of this mechanic and some stuff about towers not giving xp/gold.
As long as Oak's ability still just requires the last hit, I could care less.
to make it simple, maybe... anyone who has hit the enemy demigod should get guaranteed credit when the demigod eventually dies. but the person who gets the killing blow, scores most.
heres an example (i dont have the game, but this is just my opinion):killing blow = 1000 goldanyone who assisted in anyway at all = 300 gold or wateva
kinda ends up showing as a "team effort" rather than "omg I killed it!".
So, I fight a DG 2 levels above me, blow all my cooldowns, pots, etc. I bring him down to a sliver of health, when a wave of our creeps comes along and attacks him and inflicts the killing blow on the final 10hp points. You're saying that "The forces of light" should get 1000 gold while I get 300?
I'm still too new to really comment, but I like the idea of a damage breakdown over giving the killing blow the most... Maybe do damage breakdown, then give a bonus/multiplier to the killing blow as well as the highest damage dealt?
It's a team game, get over it. As long as everyone on your team benefits from the kill you are in good shape.
...The game already supplements gold for an assist.
lol this thread is RIDICULOUS
ninja... lol
you are supposed to be a TEAM doesnt matter who get the credit
in case just tell your team mate who get most kills to upgrade the citadel a bit
I'm happy with the mechanic as-is, however the amount of gold being received for a killing blow is a little high. It'll all be fixed in time.
I sort of agree.
How about the gold for the assist is upped with the damage? There are times when I will run the whole way across the map, dropping what I'm doing, to chase a kill someone else cannot get. So not only do I help myself with the gold, but I help you with the assist, and I help the team by knocking another player out for 20-30 seconds.
I would mostly like one of these two versions:
1. The one with the most inflicted damage gets the "kill" the rest gets "assists"
2. There is no more "kill" and "assist" but you get gold equal to the inflicted damage.
Yep, that's what I'm saying.
20% of your kills are going to be ambiguous - you are fighting at your towers and there are 3 DGs and some grunts hitting one poor sap. The other 80% are going to be out in the field and you should have more control over who gets the last hit. Time your nukes so that you have one ready to deliver the killing blow. Hell, I've seen players time their *auto-attacks* to get the killing blow.
Let's look at this in terms of a Snipe Regulus.
If you do 95% of the damage on a DG and he runs away faster than you can follow and just before he makes it to his Crystal he gets sniped for the kill do you really think you deserve the gold? You couldn't complete - Regulus could - you are assisting him.
Ninjaing a clear kill, OTOH, is bad form but if they apologize and make sure not to do it again then no harm. You can't complain about towers or grunts taking your kill though - a bit of micro will keep that from happening most of the time..
One thing that bothers me about the current system: I mostly play Oak, and it's not uncommon that I see an enemy Demigod with low health in range of my Penitence. If I let my team-mate fight with them for a few more seconds we'll probably get the kill -- or maybe they'll pull something out of their sleeve and escape, something that I've seen happen more than once. If, on the other hand, I zap them *now*, they're dead, no question. But if I do that I'll be stealing the kill. If the other guy has done 90% of the damage, I don't think that's fair, and I bet neither does he. So I'm never quite sure whether it's socially appropriate to use my finishing moves in situations where they're exactly the right tactical choice.